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Typecho维基君站长快讯 • 361次浏览 • 发布 2024-02-21 • 更新 2024-02-23





Sora 的创作能力,已经让很多人震惊了,自己制作电影的时代来了,以前做个短视频觉得已经够满足了,现在人人都能成为导演。

这几天大家都在等什么时候能用上,我给他分享一个可能提前用上Sora的方法,注册成为Open AI 红队内测人员,之前的GPT-4,DELL发布之前都会有一批参与红队测试的人,优先获得使用机会,而且免费使用,后面Sora这种极大消耗GPU的模型,注定普通人用不起。



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My interest in joining the OpenAI Red Teaming Network stems from my diverse background and profound passion for the field of AI. As a law graduate, I have a deep understanding of legal and ethical issues, which makes me particularly concerned about the ethical use and societal impact of AI technologies. My journey of self-teaching programming and working as an architect in Beijing has given me a firsthand insight into the power of technological innovation and the challenges faced in practical applications. As an entrepreneur in the AI field and a founding partner of the "AI Breakthrough Club," I have not only witnessed the rapid development of AI technologies but have also actively participated in this process. Particularly through the development and operation of a GPTs drawing master with a subscription of 10,000 users, I have accumulated extensive hands-on experience. I hope to bring my background and experience to the OpenAI Red Teaming Network, collaborating with other experts to promote the safe, reliable, and ethical development of AI technologies.

Given my background and experience in the AI field, I believe that OpenAI should focus on red teaming in the area of AI ethics and social responsibility. With the widespread application of AI technologies, especially the GPT series models, across various industries, their impact on social behaviors, information dissemination, and even decision-making processes has become increasingly significant. This includes not only technical issues such as model bias and privacy protection but also broader social ethical issues, such as the potential role of AI in spreading misinformation and exacerbating social divides. By conducting in-depth red teaming in these areas, OpenAI can not only enhance the security and fairness of its models but also play a leading role in promoting thoughtful consideration of the societal impact of AI technologies and responsible use. As an entrepreneur with a legal background and practical AI application experience, I place great importance on maintaining ethics and social responsibility in the development of AI and hope to contribute my perspective and strength.



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  1. [...]声明:本文来自于微信公众号 凤凰网科技(ID:ifeng_tech),作者:蒋浇 李玉繧Sora还未正式开放,卖课的已经盈利了。TypechoWiki替大家整理了一份Sora的内测账号申请教程:Sora内测资格申请详细教程,附申请提示词龙年春节期间,OpenAI发布了首款文生视频模型——Sora,仅需要文本即可自动生成一段长达60秒的高保真视频,这给业界带来不小的震撼,连马斯克都感叹“人类愿赌服输[...]

  2. [...]不过,其另一个视频号“李一舟AI”仍在正常运营中。李一舟是谁?综合多家媒体报道来看,李一舟抖音账号认证为“财经自媒体”博主,拥有331万粉丝,全网粉丝超过500万,自称是清华大学博士,三家科技公司创始人,融资数千万,是多家亿级公司老板的人工智能战略顾问。擅长解决AI人工智能、商业模式、知识IP和流量问题。根据清华大学官网刊载的一篇采访文章,李一舟的确曾经在清华美院攻读博士。但在此之前,李一舟的本硕[...]